Friday, January 4, 2013

A life beat that's varied from my friend

“Is she so pretty?” “I can't express how pretty she is. I laughed because people said our couple seemed to be insane with the fun of seeing my granddaughter.” I could feel my friend's happiness through telephone line.

This friend was always happy when she raised her daughter. Not only the child was good at studying, but also she was on good terms with her mom. Her husband has always liked her since he was young. Even after getting married, he still looks like he's dying because his wife is pretty. The three of them have so much fun that they don't need friends. Then her daughter got married. How happy she must be to buy a two-family house and live up and down and get a granddaughter!

I got married late, and it wasn't until four years after my marriage that I had a child. I guess I will wait a century or more for if my children will get married. Friends are already busy getting their children married and getting their grandchildren.

When I was a single, I couldn't meet my married friends because they were busy raising their children. When I had a baby, my friends took a breather and were free. My life is free these days, but my friends are hooked on grandkids.

A long time ago, I went to Los Angeles with a newborn baby. My unmarried sister-in-law encouraged me, "Shall we go out for a drink?" I pointed to the lying child with my chin and said, "What about him?" "Mommy, we're going to go out for a while. Please look after the child." There is no answer from my mother-in-law.

I waited eagerly for her consent in the hope of playing. "You take care of your child. I don't take care of kids." My mother-in-law gave a snap.

My Mother-in-law did not take care of not only for our children, but also for the children of other brothers and sisters. After my mother-in-law raised five children, my grandmother-in-law collapsed in a stroke. She took care of her for more than ten years. I never again asked her for taking care of my children, thinking it would be unfair if she had to take care of her grandchildren.

At 88, there's another thing my mother-in-law doesn't do. She doesn't live with her children. She lives alone. Even if her oldest daughter-in-law asks her to live with her, and even if her youngest son wants to live with her, it's "NO."

Living with someone is not only inconvenient for each other, but also because it creates a source of discord. And never ask her children to help her financially. Rather, she pays when her children help her. Oh, my mother-in-law, you became an Americans!

What kind of grandmother should I be? I'm looking for a way to become a desirable grandmother for me, looking at the living of my friends. Getting married late and having a baby late seems to be not all bad.

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