Saturday, June 15, 2019

Nothing lasts forever, but

I quickly turned off the TV. It is because the scene where the Notre Dame Cathedral was on fire. The sadness associated with loss of architecture, music, rare books, and art works is at a different level from other losses. Did the shiny stained glass burn out? I could not keep watching the burning scene.

I imagined that the Notre Dame Cathedral was twist and collapse in vain, surrounded by a raging fire like the devil. I remembered the movie 'Before Sunset' that was going through my head. The main character is a story about a man and woman watching the Notre Dame Cathedral on the Seine riverboat.
Jesse: I heard this story once, about when the Germans were occupying Paris and they had to retreat back, they wired Notre Dame Cathedral to blow. But they had to leave one guy in charge of hitting the switch. The soldier couldn't do it. You know, he just sat there, knocked out by how beautiful the place was. And then, when the Allied troops came in, they found all the explosives just lying there and the switch unturned.
Céline: Is that true?
Jesse: I don't know. I always liked the story.

Isn't it possible that all the Notre Dame is burned out and ashes are left? The movie 'The Pianist' came to mind as it led to a sad imagination. It was a scene shows a Jewish protagonist hiding inside a building devastated by the ashes and run into a Nazi officer.
German Officer: What are you doing here? Working?
Pianist: No, I was a pianist.
German Officer: Then plays it.
The pianist plays Chopin's Nocturne 20. Just as the soldier disobeyed orders and didn't blow up Notre Dame Cathedral, thrilled by the beauty of architecture, the German officer falls in love with playing a piano and saves the pianist by bringing him something to eat.

There was public opinion that the Notre Dame Cathedral should be torn down because it was damaged and neglected in the chaos of the French Revolution. However, the cathedral, which had a lot of inspiration for literature and artists, helped popularize it again in 1831 as Victor Hugo's novel 'The Hunchback of Notre Dame'. It reminds me of a movie scene that combines Anthony Quinn's stunning makeup and husky voice.

It is fortunate that funds were raised to rebuild the Notre Dame Cathedral. In addition, that there will be a 3D data that details the shape before burning down to 0.1 inch, which will be a great help for restoration.

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