Saturday, June 12, 2021

Small Claims

 I opened the refrigerator door. Oh, my God! I'm surprised it is black as if looking into a chimney. 

 During difficult times, the refrigerator broke down. I couldn't afford to buy a new refrigerator. I searched the local newspaper and called a refrigerator fixer. And I gave it to him in cash. After three or four hours, when I opened the refrigerator door, the internal plastic was dripping like melted cheese with a foul smell. It was like looking into a dark cave. I immediately called the repairman and screamed. 
“I can't pay for the refrigerator and can't pay for the repairs money. why don't you sue me for small claims." 
It's a tone of voice asking if you, an Asian who can't speak English well, dare to sue me. It was a cruel voice that laughed as if it was natural for the weak to be eaten by the strong. I shuddered as I heard the phone moan. 

 I enjoy watching Judge Judy's less than $5,000 civil litigation program, which airs on Channel 2 at 4 pm. The case she deals with is almost the same. Most of the lawsuits were filed by car accidents, dog bites, cases of not receiving lent money, lawsuits against tenants and landlords due to rent, and lawsuits against home repair contractors. 

 At 4 pm, my body, which has been busy since morning, is exhausted. After listening to Judge Judy's questions and the answers of her plaintiffs and defendants, I judge right and wrong on my own while she renders her verdict. A fair and transparent judgment like Judge Judy's blade that anyone can agree to, blows away my tiredness in one shot. 

 She throws questions at the wrong person. If a lie is found in the process of questioning, the lawsuit is lost. In the case of a car accident, drivers without insurance will lose unconditionally. If a person makes excuses and lies to a question that can be answered simply with yes or no, will be sent off. 

 Watching this program, I am often surprised that the world is not the world I imagined, there are so many people with so many different thoughts and actions. 

 Life seems complicated, but it is very simple. As long as you follow the law, you don't cause many problems. Money should never be loaned out. The rent must be paid on time, and the landlord must also return the deposit money. Don't pay in cash, pay by check or credit card with proof. Don't verbalize your work, date and sign it on paper as evidence. However, no matter how careful, there will be people who break in and do fraudulent activities. 

 Watching Judge Judy's program, I organize my life so that I don't flounder in confusion because my life is tangled. The less I have, the less I have to worry about, and the more freedom.

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