Friday, March 2, 2012

Did you eat?

Both sons went abroad. Have I had such a free day since the birth of my children? It'll be a year and a half before I see them both. We decided that my husband use the older son's cell phone and I use younger son's cell phone.

The phone rang. Isn't the name of the older son on it? What happened in the distance? I was embarrassed. "Dain?" My husband, who decided to use older son's cell phone, said, "What's wrong." I thought he was older son. I was disappointed with my husband's voice. "Why? You startle people by making useless phone calls." "You said you're free because you don't have kids."

My husband and I ate a simple dinner. "I'm glad I'm free." I lay on the bed early. As soon as I lay on the bed on, I heard footsteps coming up from downstairs. Is the son come home? "Did you eat?" I jumped up and I was about to ask, but I realized they left far away. I lay again. At the same time as the door opened, I heard the sound of 'Mom ~'. "Yes, did you eat?" But I realized that there were no sons again. Whenever I heard the sound, I listened, mistaking it for the child's call.

I frequently look at computers while waiting for emails from sons, but there are no emails and only spam has been plastered. Finally, I got email from younger son. ‘I am fine. I eat a lot. Don't worry.' It was all there was to it. I was disappointed. Isn't there something else hidden somewhere? I search every nook and cranny, but there is no more. I feel empty and sad to lose all my energy. Why can't a child think of a mother waiting for more news? If he wrote a little more, I wouldn't feel so stuffy.

He must be busy adjusting to the new environment. He will write a long story in the next email. I've been waiting, but I can't hear from them. I try to go in and out of chat sites, but I don't have any. Finally, while doing in and out and luckily caught younger son.

Expecting a long answer from the child, I diligently questioned. But he couldn't concentrate on what I was asking and answered briefly intermittently. He must be busy chatting with his friends. ‘Good night,’ then I backed out.

When I woke up and turned on the computer again, I finally got an email to older son. Opened the email with excitement. However it was the same as the younger son sent me was 'eating well, doing well.' I was disappointed with the content and lay down.

The children who have become accustomed to the sound of 'did you eat?' that I have been saying for tens of thousands of times since they were young think that the words their mothers want to hear most are ' I eat a lot?' My husband kicks his tongue at me, who has become busy with looking at the computer hoping for long emails from sons.

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