Friday, October 6, 2023

Women's Gossip about Soha's Death

Soha died at the age of 54, of cancer. Another set of conflicting rumors circulated about her death. Women gossiped that her death was caused by her husband's infidelity.

Soha worked at a sewing factory, then set up three or four sewing machines into her garage and opened a sewing factory. She couldn't go out because she was cooking and sewing because of her parents-in-law's anger that they were hungry when it was time to eat. She couldn't read English and couldn't drive.  Her body was covered with rainbow-colored threads. Her hair was a mess. Her complexion became yellow and sick. Even her husband looked away in embarrassment at the sight of Soha in her shabby home dress covered with threads.

"When did you get your citizenship and invited your family to America?"

You're such a bad bitch." 

The level of verbal abuse from the in-laws increased. The sister-in-law who lives next door came running at her with the intention of snatching her hair. The children cried and screamed. There was no end to the chaos. Her husband didn't come home because he didn't want to get involved the chaos. Finally, he met a woman who worked as a shopkeeper in a Korean town and set up a separate household. Her parents-in-law and sister-in-law sided with his mistress. The only reason they can't get rid of Soha is because she has the ability to make more money than his mistress if she steps on a sewing machine. 

Her own family also played a role in her husband becoming more distant from Soha. She thought that her family would support her when they came to the United States, but instead, they were busy dragging Soha down in front of her husband as a way to survive themselves.

“Soha, it’s been a long time since you came to America, but you can’t ride the freeway because you can’t read road signs. As soon as your younger sister Jeongin arrives, she drives the freeway. Take care of your appearance. At least comb your hair properly. Even if your husband cheats on you, no one blames him.”

Soha's daughter and son, who grew up among adults who mistreated their mother, also ignored their mother. Only contacted her when they asked for money after leaving for college. Her husband did not ask for a divorce. He wasn't even sorry. With the brazen attitude that he had no choice but to cheat, he went back and forth between the two houses as a shop shutterman for his mistress. Occasionally, he would come and take Soha's money under the pretext of seeing his parents. 

Soha's sister-in-law's husband suffered a heart attack and died suddenly. Her sister-in-law was busy going on a cruise with her friends using her husband life insurance money. Her parents-in-law were upset that both children did not treat them warmly and did not suggest going on a cruise. Their nagging and bullying gradually decreased, and eventually they started to notice Soha's feelings and became the old people in their back room. Her father-in-law died, and the following year her mother-in-law also died. Her husband came to Soha more often if her mistress's store was not doing well. Soha didn't care whether her husband came or not. They didn't speak to each other and didn't make eye contact.

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