Friday, November 27, 2020

No news good news

 Every holiday or birthday, people grumble. They are complaining about didn't get the gift, and their daughter-in-law didn't call. 

 There is also a mother-in-law who is angry that her daughter-in-law sent money on her birthday and did not call. What does she want so much? The daughter-in-law gave birth to a child, but she grumble she didn't get her a gift from the parents-in-law. I can't believe she wants gifts after having a baby because the couple love each other and have baby. People who whine about being disappointed in others usually do not give a favor to a person. 

 Before the existence of daughter-in-law and mother-in-law, they were also human beings. Therefore, there is no reason to tolerate someone who makes someone unhappy and difficult. 

 These days, both mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are busy working and socializing. we have got plenty to eat, and the house is full of things. What do we want to eat more and buy more? If someone complains that someone didn't take care of someone, you and your family will suffer both materially and psychologically. Isn't it a gift and consideration to let each other live, as they want to live freely? 

 The way for my family and I is to love myself and live busy without thinking of receiving love and attention from anyone. I might have my daughter-in-law someday. I can't be sure that my children who only works without thinking about getting married, but I don't mind if they get married or not. It is filial piety to just live healthy and happy, as they like. 

 “Mom, it is thanksgiving. Shall we go?” 
Asks the question. The meaning of the question means busy. I can't tell busy children to come. "We've been patient and careful not to meet. Let's skip this thanksgiving. Let's meet after getting a shot. I hear that a virus preventive drug came out.” 
"Mom, don't you miss me?" 
“I want to see you, but what if you come to see me and get a virus?” 
“Do you need anything?” 
“Nothing is needed. Thanks for calling.” 

 I've been very busy at your age, too. I fully understand it. I had been busy dating and hanging out with friends. If I want to see you, I live close by where I can run right now. But actually, I'm also busy too.

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