Friday, December 21, 2012

Sister's green card Odyssey

"Get your green card," my sister’s couple and our couple drove up north. I wanted to go around Thousand Islands and to go Canada and check the efficacy of my sister and brother-in-law's green card.

After visiting Thousand Islands, we were questioned by a police officer while loitering around the border area to into Canada. With a little anxiety, we showed the green card. The police officer said, "Good luck on your trip." The long years of waiting for this green card passed like a revolving lantern in my head.

My sister’s couple got a green card through her daughter. My niece, on the contrary to me is tall for a woman's height. My biological father said, 'because I'm short, my niece is too tall not easy to get married in Korea, so you'd rather leave.' There was one of the small reasons why we both left Korea.

My mother, who had suffered severely in the Korean War, encouraged me to study abroad, saying that soldiers often destroy daughters and that daughters have to study a lot. My father also tried to heal his children's shortcomings by sending them to study abroad because he believed that people could become good human only by looking around the wide world.

My niece graduated from college and came to New York to study. But getting married is not easy in New York. She is tall figure and good, but she did not have a love affair because doesn't have charms. Her appearance was like a sack of barley stuck in the room.

I introduced men to her. But my unresponsive nephew fretted me. One of the disadvantages of marriage was that her parents were not in the United States. I made her parents come by a visiting visa.

I compelled her to meet the third man who came out aggressively. She seemed to give her heart to him after meeting him three or four more times.

The man who was immigrated when he was a child cannot be fit with my niece who came to study abroad because they grew up in a different culture was not without the element of anxiety. However they got married and live happily have a son and daughter.

While trying to get my niece married, my sister's couple became illegal aliens. I was forced to my niece to get citizenship quickly and force her parents to make them permanent residency. Fortunately, the niece's husband rushed to do paper works and my sister's couples got the green card.

Looking back at those long years until my niece got married and my sister's couples got a green card, I wondered how things went so quickly. Even if there was only one error, it makes me dizzy to think that my sister is illegal, and my niece would be in the corner of the room like a sack of barley.

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